A few of my favorite health-related quotes that inspire me are:
Your body is your most priceless possession; take care of it!
-Jack LaLanne
First, they will ask why you are doing it. Later, they will ask how you did it!
-Author Unknown
The first and greatest victory is to conquer self.
Those who think they have not the time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness!
-Edward Stanley
Why include motivation on a medical page? Staying healthy can be a challenge, although it is probably something we all aspire to. At Agroshare, we also realize that you may need inspiration, accountability, or help on your health journey.
What we don’t want is for health to become a boring topic, a chore, or just yet another thing to put on your already full to-do list. We want to work toward finding ways that will motivate people to make staying well a priority! As always, if you have a suggestion or a trick you’ve used to stay healthy or make wellness a priority in your life, we’d love to hear about it.
One thing we always recommend is that you write down the beliefs you have about your health. Look more deeply at those beliefs and decide if they are actually true!
Some examples of common beliefs that we can re-examine are:
We always gain weight as we get older. Is this true? Does it have to be true?
We inherit the diseases of our parents. Is this a fact? Can we do something about it?
Diabetes is not curable. Is this true? Are there people who have overcome this illness? And if so, how?
It is also important to shift negative health misconceptions to more positive statements to work towards, such as:
I can begin to exercise at any time in my life.
I can be healthy my whole life.
I can live a long life, even until I am 90 years old, or older.
My body knows how to get well if I get sick.
Another important step is to think about your personal ‘why’ for staying healthy and being fit. Why is health important to you? Most people do not want to have to rely on others to take care of them if they are ill. No one wants to feel bad or be in pain if they get sick. Mostly, people do not want to go to the doctor or to have to take medicine. Most of us want to live long and full lives and see our children and grandchildren grow up. Write down your purpose and think about it often.
Finally, make a plan to remain healthy, or to get healthy if you are not currently in good health. Write down how you will exercise, and how often. Learn ways to exercise in less time. Add a plan to your daily life and build good habits. Work on learning how to eat better. Find out how to overcome barriers to eating better. Grow your food! Have your kids and family help! Cook at home. Build projects for school related to cooking and growing food. Do what works for you and your family. Ask others what has worked for them, and incorporate those ideas into your own plan. We will continue to create motivational videos and other resources to help you get healthy and stay that way.