This event page is for the state of Alabama!!

We will be adding to this page regularly and are working to make a calendar that is very easy to use. We will add the most current events to the top of the page but don’t forget to scroll down to find monthly and yearly events on websites that have relevant events that may interest you!!

Events go on monthly!! Please click here for the ASAN page of events!!

Alabama Rivers Alliance!!

More events of importance to farming and health go on here at the Alabama Rivers Alliance. Click here for the events page!!

Solar Home Tour!

This event goes on every year in October usually! Please check back late summer or early fall to find this dates for 2020.

27th Annual Tour! Blount Co Alabama. Saturday, Oct. 5th and Sunday, Oct. 6th
Register in September:
Visit Facebook:

Sierra Club Annual Retreat!

This event goes on every year so we will post updates as soon as we know the date for 2020.

Camp McDowell, Nauvoo, Alabama Oct. 11-13, 2019
Go to the Alabama Chapter page for more information!

Events go on at this special teaching farm in Birmingham and I recommend attending when you can!! You can also sign up foro their newsletter so you will know about all events associated with this cool farm. The link will take you to their events page and home page below.