Don Redman
Don Redman
Don Redman is a webmaster, media strategist and producer by trade. Born and raised in the South, he has spent most of his adult life living and working in Alabama. Don is currently based in Tuscaloosa, AL, but frequently travels on his motorcycle, living and working on the road. Although not his original field of study, Don has worked as a Web Master since 2005.
He enjoys creating and sharing ideas with the world and loves solving technical issues. One of his favorite memories is saving the day while at a cliff-side campsite in the middle of nowhere in Utah. Someone called him needing technical support, and he was able to help, pulling out his collapsible solar panels and correcting the issue within the hour. Don loves creative problem solving, but being able to work while traveling and enjoying nature is his genuine passion.
As someone who has struggled with weight most of his adult life, and is borderline diabetic, Dr. Koe’s supervision and guidance have been invaluable. Don hopes to live longer and have a healthier life, so that he can fully enjoy time outdoors and adventure while traveling on his motorcycles. He hopes to incorporate the Ketogenic diet into his health plan in the future.
Don believes in what Dr. Koe is trying to achieve and is proud to be a part of the AgroshareMD Support Team. He thinks that her commitment to sharing messages of health, positive lifestyle, and sustainable and regenerative farming are so desperately needed today. He looks forward to continuing to support Dr. Koe’s and AgroshareMD’s efforts with his technical expertise.