Tim Martin
Tim Martin
Tim Martin studied Fine Arts at the University of North Alabama in Florence, and his focus was on sculpture. He grew up in a family business of furniture makers and has been around wood and machinery since he was preschool age. He loved the wood shop, being around the men, working with his dad, and he worked there until he left home as a man.
Tim built houses in his early 20s, running his own company in Kentucky. Times were tough, as our country was in a recession in the early 80s. Tim was fortunate enough to apprentice under an old carpentry master, who he called Mr. J. His name was Mr. Aubry Johnson, and he lived near Tim in Kentucky. Mr. Johnson taught him invaluable lessons as an apprentice, including making furniture by hand, moving and rebuilding old log cabins, remodeling the original structure and maintaining the historical integrity of the buildings they were working on, and many other incredible skills of an almost bygone time.
Tim moved to Alabama when he was about 30 years old and felt it was time to go to college. He ended up wandering into the art department after starting a program in sociology and fell in love. Tim then changed his major to a fine arts degree, as he knew this was the area of study for him. He has always been able to visualize things in 3D, so sculpture was most appealing.
Tim Martin’s innumerable life skills and abilities with design principles have made him a valuable member of the AgroshareMD team. He helps with design and lighting as an artistic consultant, while we are developing many of our YouTube and educational videos. Because he is also Dr. Koe’s life partner, Tim is instrumental in supporting Dr. Koe with daily issues regarding food, farming, but of course, not much on medicine. He also tries to help keep Dr. Koe from overworking! Dr. Koe felt it was vital to have him on her team as her trusted advisor if she was going to reach the goals she set for AgroshareMD.