Intro to Galvanized Garden Beds

by | Jun 15, 2024 | Frannie's Farm Blog

Written by: Dr. Frannie Koe, MD

These videos will illustrate our journey of growing food in small spaces. My personal assistant, Dulce, and I put together some galvanized beds I bought on Amazon as an experiment. I want to see how much it costs to buy these and use them this year. Also, I want to see how much we can grow in them and let people know this is a possibility for them if they must garden in a small area. Also, if you are in a neighborhood with restrictions, it is important that your beds look nice, so we hope to see how well they hold up. We also may do some container gardening as well around my steps and porch to determine how much food you can produce even in tiny spaces.

We also hope to show ways to use kitchen compost and even rabbit/guinea pig manure in an apartment/balcony or in a tiny backyard. There are garden homes, often with fences around the yard that can protect against outside chemicals or other forces of nature, that would impede someone from growing their own food in small spaces. 

The videos, linked below in chronological order, show the process of building the beds, preparing the ground and filling them with logs, decomposing leaf and woodchip mulch, and soil, and then planting them. I am working to establish as many perennial plants in my garden as possible so that they come back year after year and provide us with food for little effort.

Finishing the raised beds.

Hauling the raised beds to the garden area.

Layering, wood, mulch and topsoil in the raised beds.

Different raised bed options and the value of perennial food:

Frannie's Farm Blog

Snake Rescue in the Garden!

Written by: Dr Frannie Koe, MD, MPH As a doctor who farms, I’m no stranger to having animals, both wild and domestic, on my property. This includes snakes! The accompanying video shows my rescue of a black snake found in my garden. My partner Tim and I left some...

Frannie's Farm Blog

Greens are up already!

The cats did not ruin the whole greens garden beds!  You can see where they have been digging in my dirt but I already have lots of greens up since Sunday.  I tried to take a picture just now but it is too dark so I will add one in the morning.  If I keep the beds...