
Homesteading for Health

Winter Solar Challenges

Winter Solar Energy Challenges Written by: Dr. Frannie Koe, MD Edited by: Breanne Hughes While I want to encourage people to try alternative energy, I also think it is important to let people know realistically what it means to live the way we do on our farm. I...

Growing Herbs

Materia Medica

Materia Medica: An Introduction Written by: Dr. Frannie Koe Materia Medica is a Latin term and refers to the branch of medical science specifically focused on the sources, nature, physical and therapeutic properties, and preparation of any substance used for...

Farming, Growing Herbs

Growing Herbs

Growing Herbs for Food and Health, Foraging for Herbs Herbs and wild plants are an amazing resource. Not only can they add unparalleled flavor to your food, but they can also add to or support your overall health. If you have limited space, herbs can be one of the...

Food Security

Food Security and Food Deserts

What is food security and why would it matter to a doctor, or to you? What are food deserts? Why is it so important to know where your food comes from? Simply put, food security is the abundance and availability of food, and how readily an individual or community...

Food Security

Seed Saving

Seed Saving in Alabama: One of AgroshareMD’s very own team members, Dove Stackhouse, is passionate about seed saving. Owner of Whirlwind Farms and one of the founders of the Sand Mountain Seed Bank, Dove has been working to preserve the botanical and cultural food...

Farming, Growing food

Growing Food

Growing Food: On a farm, in a garden or on the patio or porch in Alabama We hope to provide information and encouragement to help you grow some of your own food, regardless of previous farming and gardening experience or how much space you have. We’ll begin with...


Mulch Freak! Manure Freak!

  Written by: Dr. Frannie Koe, MD Edited by: Breanne Brazeale When it comes to gardening, I am addicted to composting and mulching; I love mulch! I also have a fondness for all-natural materials and the understated beauty they have. To me, there is something...