Regenerative Mind – Psychology and mental health

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Medicine, Three Legged Stool

Regenerating Our Minds

Our mind is our greatest asset!

We have learned over the last 40 years or more that the mind and body are intricately connected and issues with both can affect our health in significant ways. Many of the states across the country are truly lacking regarding both treating mental health issues and understanding the deep connection between mind and body.

At AgroshareMD, we want to dive deeply and provide resources to help people fully understand this topic. We want to touch on how the mind can help heal the body. We want people to understand how the mind can make the body sick.

Most areas of medicine, including mental health, are very broad. However, we hope to add new information each month so that more and more people can learn how important it is to keep the mind healthy, and how doing so can improve overall health and increase your lifespan. We also want to help people understand that eating well and moving more, along with spending more time outside, can significantly improve our health outcomes. We will include farming and gardening in the research we will add to this page. This category will continue to evolve as we strive to teach the important roles that food, farming and medicine play in the broader health of Alabamians, as well as people in the rest of the country.

We want Alabamians to prioritize mental health, and will include many ideas for caring for your mind and resources for getting support here. Many people have significant mental health issues that aren’t properly addressed. The cost of getting mental health services can be especially prohibitive. Our system is overtaxed and under-funded. Our goal is to add many resources here that are available at a very low cost or even no cost when possible. We also want to recommend practitioners who can help people in significant ways that include treating the whole person and not just the mind or just the body. We want to find and promote practitioners who know how important it is to cover all areas of our body, and how a focus on nutrition can improve both physical and mental health.

Prevent it! Reverse it!

Prevent it! Reverse it!

An Introduction: Written by: Dr Frannie Koe, MD Edited by: Breanne Brazeale Is it possible to prevent most diseases? We have been told a long time that much of what happens to us health-wise is inherited and we can’t often prevent disease from occurring. The...